Why Do Cats Purr A Lot? 6 Important Reasons Why Do Cats Purr A Lot!

Why do cats purr a lot when we caress them? I often asked myself this question, but again, why do cats do any of what they do! Cats could be very mysterious creatures in the way they communicate. They have their own rules and unique ways of expressing inner emotions. Is it biological, neurological, inherited, or rather just a good mood? Cat’s purring was interpreted by many, but many failed to explain such claims.

Today, we will try to end this argument by providing a detailed analysis of purring nature and why your cat may not be as happy as it looks like.


The Biological Nature Behind Why Does Cats Purr A Lot!

Why do cats purr a lot was always a zone for hypothesis spitting, everyone wants to argue, but many failed to back their assumptions with the right scientific evidence.

Many theories have been proposed, and a lot of them point to the starting point from the neural oscillator in the cat’s brain. Cats use vocal folds in the larynx muscles to produce the purring noise we used to hear.

“Every cat is my best friend.” Dr. Mohammad Alkhawaldeh

The Obvious Reasons & The Ones You Are Missing Of Why Do Cats Purr A Lot

Believe it or not, purring has a lot more to do than just being happy. As a basic definition, it’s known to be a tool used by these furry little creatures to communicate and express feelings. Still, the larger picture shows purring to be a more comprehensive action that has many unknown implications.

  • Defense Mechanism

When afraid or alarmed, our feline friends express such inner emotions in the form of purring. In this case, purring is thought to be an unconscious action that gives them defensibility and keeps them ahead of the danger.

  • Pain Regulation

As shocking as it could be, sometimes pain has a lot to do with why cats purr. This could be observed in pregnant cats, mainly.

  • Bone Regeneration

Many studies have supported this hypothesis, and purring promotes bone regeneration and healing due to its connection with specific neurological transmitters in the brain that aid such function.

  • Following Injury

Why do cats purr a lot? Well, maybe they were injured, and you were just too busy to notice, so they used the only recovery mechanism they had, “Purring.”

  • Empty Stomach

The need for eating will always be a strong motive to make changes. It turns out that humans weren’t the only ones who react to hunger with sounds, so make sure to bring the tuna plate next time you hear your feline friend purring.

  • Kitties Purring

Newborn cats are deaf and blind; that’s why purring in kitties happens due to an entirely different reason. It’s the need for guidance and direction that drives cats to purr as a communication method with their mothers.

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Your Cat’s Purring Affects You More Than You Think, Here Is How

Believe it or not, as strange as possible, a lot of research confirmed that cats purring benefits are transferrable to humans. Here are a few.

  • Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease. 
  • Could Be Helpful In Calming Yourself. 
  • Lower Blood Pressure. 
  • Heal Infections. 
  • Could Help In Breathing.

So, the next time your cat purrs, you might consider staying around for a while.

Cat’s Purring & Age

As far as science goes, there is nothing so far to link between specific age groups & purring. These furry creatures have been observed to purr for most of their lifespan, from very young ages till old.

My Cat Stopped Purring, Should I Be Worried?! 

If your cat suddenly stopped purring, we advise you to see a vet right away as this will be a sign for laryngeal paralysis, which could eventually lead to further implications that you don’t want to your cat.


Loud Purring, Is it Any Different? 

You shouldn’t be alarmed about your cat’s loud purring. Many research types have proved that it’s not a sign of sickness or weakness but rather due to hunger. Also, It is pretty normal that some cats have louder purrs than others. What does it mean? It means you are lucky! Because cat purrs are therapeutic.

See – Can Your Cat’s Purr Heal? | Animal Wellness Magazine

My Cat Purrs All Night In Bed, What Should I do?

This is not something to be worried about. Your cat is showing that she is comfortable with you and friendly, not an enemy. At night, purring might also be a sign for them to let you remember that they are there next to you, so you don’t accidentally squish them when you roll over.

However, if purring at night was a source of disturbance to you anyhow, you might consider sleeping apart from your furry friend for a while till the noise down.


To Conclude Today’s Question, Why Do Cats Purr A Lot?

Indeed we answered the question, why do cats purr a lot with a yes. However, you understand now that there is more than one reason for purring a lot. Understanding cats’ behavior and their “language” is an essential thing as a cat owner. With this understanding, you can know your cat better, and then you can strengthen the relationship between you and your cat.

Although purring may seem a useless thing, it has significant health benefits, as we noticed before. It can protect you from different health issues such as heart diseases. Isn’t that a great thing we are getting from our beloved cats?

Finally, I hope you found this article useful and informative enough to answer the question, why do cats purr a lot?

Let me know your answer down below. Do you have more information about purring?

Also, If you have any other questions or different opinions about it, leave a comment below.

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