Can Cats Have Almond Milk? Find Out The 3 Best Benefits Of Almond Milk For Cats

People rarely ask questions like, can cats have almond milk? Once a subject like this is requested, it’s safe to assume that genuine concerns are growing on the owner’s side.

When considering digestive systems in cats, we notice that our furry friends are a lot more different than what we think. If “predictions” is the game we base our dietarian choices upon, then a lot of accidents are to be expected, and cats will be the ones affected.

To provide a proper answer to the question, can cats have almond milk? Its effects must be measured directly with your cat’s digestive system. Rather than taking to account only what’s “Good” for us, or by blindly judging regarding what’s makes them happy.


Almond Milk And Cats, Here is How We Describe It

Almond milk is soft, creamy texture milk, and it’s produced from almond. It’s described as “plant milk,” and almond milk invention was in the Islamic middle east, it is known to be a very famous healthy food in the United States during the era of 2011 to 2013, blue diamonds and white waves are common brands of almond milk.

From its texture and the great benefits, it provides us, most cat owners who add almond milk to their diet assume blindly that they are good as well for their cats. As we mentioned before, it is facts that give us a decent answer, not our assumptions based on our feelings. After all, it is really easy to harm or even “kill” our cats with one wrong food such as chocolate.


Can Cats Have Almond Milk?

Our feline friends’ intestinal tract makes simple (YES or NO) answers almost impossible. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean we will leave the question unanswered.

The process of milk digestion is eased by a substance called lactase. What lactase does is merely breaking the Lactose enzymes present in milk into two small sugars called glucose and galactose. The body handles the absorption of glucose and galactose quite well compared to their parent enzymes lactose, till now everything is fine and no problem to be expected.

The problem is that cats don’t usually produce the lactase necessary for easing the absorption. This makes it difficult for them to absorb almond milk – or any milk in general – in the same quantities as we do.

With the lack of such substance, even what we consider a small sip of milk could make serious intestinal issues for cats, such as tummy aches. With larger amounts, obesity would be so predictable and even other serious health issues such as diabetes.

Also, some of the almond milk in the market contain artificial sweeteners, which should be avoided in cats. Therefore, whether you decided to give your cat almond milk or not the answer to the question, can cats have almond milk? It is yes, but in moderation and be careful with it! It is just the same as cow milk and cheese, as we discussed before.

Almond Milk And Cats – Steps To Avoid Overeating

When evaluating the same question, can cats have almond milk? Given the new set of information, the typical answer should be “Yes, but with moderation.” Here, we will discuss some steps with you on how exactly should this moderation works to make this relation between almond milk and cats a better one!

  • Sharing Is Good!

The idea of sharing food with our cats is proven to be a very generous thing to do, which improves our relationship with them. It is also a great way to improve our communication and understanding with them. However, when dealing with almond milk and cats, generosity isn’t all that sharing means. Sharing is a proven moderation technique that ensures that cats satisfied their desire for milk and to provide as well that the satisfaction didn’t lead to health issues.

If your busy schedule stands between you and having a happy meal moment with your cats, then you must ensure that almond milk isn’t in your cat’s plate while you are away. You will be surprised how greedy your cat can get in consuming almond milk and how much health issues would be expected as a result of your negligence. 

“The problem with cats is that they get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or an axe-murderer.” Paula Poundstone

  • Slow Eating Is Recommended, Fast Devouring is BAD!

If you are familiar with the study of the GIT (Gastrointestinal Tract), you should be aware that quantity isn’t all that matters when measuring the speed of digestion. Fast eating of any type of food (liquid or solid) will increase the period in which this food stays in the stomach. Eventually, this will delay the process of digestion, and taking to account that cats already digest almond milk slowly, things don’t seem to be heading towards a promising direction.

To have full control of the outcomes of drinking almond milk, you need to ensure that your cat is drinking a few slips and that your cat is drinking as slowly as possible. That way you will give its body time to process all that lactose inside the almond milk. As we mentioned before, almond milk and cats aren’t best friends!


Should I Be Worried About A Possible Almond Milk’s Toxicity?

No, you shall not, neither almond nor soy milk contains toxic substances to cats, and all the expected health issues are only the intestinal ones that we’ve mentioned earlier.

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The Benefits Of Almond Milk For Cats?

  • Almond Milk Is Rich In Nutrients

I always like to describe almond milk as a huge vessel of benefits. It contains protein, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin, and more. These nutrients are essential for both our bodies and our cats’ bodies making almond milk an excellent source for these elements.

  • NO Saturated Fat In Almond Milk

Almond milk is soy-free and gluten-free. It contains the “good” cholesterol due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, which also good for the heart.

  • Almond Milk Has Fewer Calories

It might be a surprising thing to say after previously mentioning the expected obesity, but the fact is that almond milk contains Fewer calories relative to the original cow’s milk. Still, it is recommended not to include almond milk to your cat diet as a regular or main dish!

After going through all these benefits of almond milk for both you and your cat, it is undeniable that almond milk is an excellent source of rich nutrients. Unfortunately, your cat can’t drink almond milk regularly due to the risk it has. Although it is not recommended for your cat to drink almond milk, it is still okay to serve your cat a little bit of almond milk.

So again! Our answer to the question, can cats have almond milk? It is Yes, but in moderation.


My Final Thoughts About The Question, Can Cats Have Almond Milk?

It’s good to feed your cat personally, and it’s even better to preciously asking questions regarding what’s safe to feed your cat and what should be avoided. However, to establish the required results, actions must be taken, and guess what, today is the best time to start monitoring your cat’s diet.

Also, don’t forget that it is best to always consult your veterinarian about your cat’s diet and food especially if you are planning to add something new such as almond milk. Your vet will always be happy to provide the best suggestions and recommendations to keep your cat healthy and happy.

Finally, I hope you found this article useful and informative enough to answer the question, can cats have almond milk?

Let me know your answer down below. Do you have more information about Almond milk and cats?

Also, If you have any other questions or different opinions about it, leave a comment below.

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