Look at this magnificent plate, is it possible to think twice before enjoying it, isn’t it stupid to ask silly questions like “can cats eat Raisins?”, no it’s not, and here is why.
While it is easier for a human to decide what is good for their health and what isn’t, cats are different. Their bodies are different from ours, which makes this decision more challenging for you as a cat owner.
Most of what we consider healthy nowadays is usually bad for your cat’s body. In our blog, we take one type of food at times and provide a nutritional overview of its influence on cats.
Today, we tend to focus on the question, “can cats eat Raisins?” Do you believe Raisins good for your cat? Let me know your answer below in the comment section!

Few Words About Raisins’ Origin & History
Before going through some details about our today’s question, can cats eat Raisins, let’s educate ourselves a bit about Raisins’ origin and history. If you are not familiar with what Raisins are, they are actually dried grapes. Raisins are popular and produced in multiple areas around the world. Also, you can enjoy eating them raw or use them in cooking, baking, and brewing.
The word “Raisin” dates back to when the English language is spoken after the Norman conquests, and it is a word that is founded from the old French.
Nowadays, many people eat Raisins as they can help to reduce the bad cholesterol in the body. Thus, they can potentially reduce the risks of developing serious conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
“No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch.” –Leo Dworken
Another fantastic point about Raisins is that they are rich in iron and minerals, which help reduce the development of anemia and iron deficiencies in the future.
As a cat owner, you must always search for the best for your cat, and feeding your cat a proper diet can still be a challenge. If you are like me, you must always search for organic and natural food or recipes for your cat, and you must always try to use natural remedies to make it as healthy as possible to your cat.
Therefore, knowing such benefits for Raisins may give you a hint to ask yourself today’s question: Can cats eat Raisins, and perhaps you already thought of trying to feed your cat, but you were skeptical to avoid any harm!
That’s good! Keep reading to find out if Raisins are perfect for your cat to eat.

Healthy Food for Us, VS. Harmful Food For Cats!
The secret behind this puzzle lies in our definition of the word “Harmful.” Harmful food results in unexpected or undesired changes to our physical or psychological conditions (i.e., Headache), and/or our noticeable changes (i.e., Vomiting).
The reason behind such changes is the bad interaction between our bodies and the ingredients of this food.
But, the food content is considered only one part of the equation. The complete biological structure of the body is an essential part of this equation too. That’s why cats (which have completely different biological structures than us) tend to react differently to some food.

Can Cats Eat Raisins? The Answer!
While they might look harmless to your cat, people are still asking, “can cats eat Raisins?”, if you can take the harsh truth, then here it is. Raisins are considered one of the most leading causes of kidney failure in cats. So the answer is NO!
It is indeed a healthy food for us but keeps it away from your cat or even your dog if you own one. As cat owners, you and I know very well that our cats can keep trying with that seductive eyes to get what they want. But you must resist those eyes!
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Symptoms Of Raisins’ Poisoning In Cats
In case you saw your cat already ate a bunch of Raisins, you must contact your vet immediately, or take your cat to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. As for the symptoms, it varies depending on the onset and the amount of Raisins ingestion.
Therefore, within 12 hours of digestion, your fluffy friend will start vomiting. However, you must note that it is not allowed to force vomiting as it will cause more harm than good.
In the next 12 hours, new signs will develop, including diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, and decreased urination. Hence, it is critical to keep an eye on your cat and notice all the symptoms they may see as it can give your vet a good idea of the severity of the condition.
Unfortunately, in the next 24 hours, if your cat suffers from nausea, lack of appetite, uremic breath, and excessive thirst, then acute kidney failure has already occurred.
Days later, as a result of kidney failure, your cat won’t produce any urine, and its blood pressure will be increased dramatically and finally will be in a coma.
As you can notice, Raisins are healthy for us, but they are deadly for our beloved cats. Therefore, to avoid such unwanted complications, all you have to do is to keep Raisins away.
Now, after we answered the question, can cats eat Raisins? You have a good idea of how dangerous they can be. Also, you understand how important to keep it away from your cat as they may cause unpleasant symptoms.

What Should You Do If Your Cat Already Ate Raisins
Your first response should be immediately removing the remnants of Raisins from the outside of your cat’s mouth; you may use a wet tissue to ensure there is nothing around.
Then, carefully clean your cat’s mouth from the inside with anything of your reach, but be careful not to harm your cat. Also, With anything sharp available, reach your cat’s teeth and remove the remnants of raisins that stuck in between your cat’s teeth.
These steps will decrease the risks of more ingestion of Raisins and, therefore, less damage.
Diagnosis & Treatment for Grape and Raisin Toxicity
Your vet will begin by asking you all the details about your cat’s condition, symptoms, the amount of Raisins your cat ate, and health history.
And in an attempt to calculate how much damage occurred to the kidney, Your veterinarian will request several lab tests, including; complete blood count or CBC, serum biochemistry profile, and a urinalysis.
Early treatment is critical, especially if caught before symptoms are developed. If your pet is examined within a few hours after the grapes or Raisins have been ingested, your veterinarian can properly manage the case by giving your pet activated charcoal to absorb the remaining toxins in the gastrointestinal system.
If further treatment is needed, your doctor may provide intravenous fluids and supportive care to make your cat comfortable. Keep in mind that treatment can be expensive and may require your cat to stay a few days in the hospital until it feels better.

Prevention Is Better Than Treatment
Of course, prevention is better than treatment! After all, as a cat owner, you don’t want to sit there in front of your TV, watching your cat eating poison and wait until complications occur. On the contrary, you must do your best to avoid such problems from occurring now or later in the future.
Kidney failure is considered a severe medical problem that could eventually lead to death. Thus, Raisins poisoning shouldn’t be handled casually.
Instead, it must be given much more serious attention than other types of food poisoning. Precautions must be made to ensure your cat and Raisins don’t share the same path; here are our tips:
- Put your raisins in unreachable areas
Your cat can eat only what it finds. If you are letting Raisins in front of your cat like on that small table in your living room, then there is no doubt that one day your cat’s curiosity might drove it toward eating a little afternoon snack on Raisins.
- Hide the rest once you are done snacking
Suppose you are careful about putting the Raisins on the upper shelf. But, have the habit of forgetting it on the table after eating, then you really did nothing to protect your cat.
Your poor little cat will be a victim of your misalignment and carelessness, which’s why it’s always important to double-check where the Raisins are. “Or any other food that is harmful to your cat, such as Chocolate.”
- Always check what your little guy is doing
Cats don’t differ from kids in their curiosity. They see the world as a magnificent realm full of adventures; they also are loaded with great imaginations and unlimited energy to satisfy every desire.
The danger of letting your cat alone unchecked the whole day is like the risk of leaving your child alone in the house while flying to a romantic vacation in Hawaii.

Can Cats Eat Raisins? The Answer Is Yours To Share With Us!
As we reached the end of today’s article for the question of can cats eat Raisins, you now understand why not all healthy food for you is healthy for your cat. Not only that, but such types of food can also be deadly and with serious consequences. It doesn’t matter if you own a cat or dog, Raisins still a poison for pets and therefore you should keep it away from your pets.
Sometimes you indeed want to share what you love with your cat, or your cat gives you that irresistible eyes to share your treat. But, the question today is not, can cats eat Raisins, but are you willing to risk your cat’s health for some treats without doing a little research to check if it is good or not?
Finally, I hope you found this article useful and informative enough to answer the question, can cats eat Raisins?
Let me know your answer down below. Do you have more information about Raisins and cats?
Also, If you have any other questions or different opinions about it, leave a comment below.
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